Thursday, January 22, 2009

9 Months (and a week)

Wow time really does fly! You are already 9 months old and growing so fast. I have tried very hard to take in every milestone but it is difficult when you are doing something different everyday!

You are now crawling faster than I can say crawl. This month you started "spider crawling"(you take after your Auntie Jessica). It is so cute to see you get around that way!You have managed to unload the dishwasher as fast as I can load it. Now if I can only teach you to put the things away!

Baby food is a thing of the past. You want everything we eat and have loved everything we give you. So far we have not had any food allergies. Keep your fingers crossed that you take after your mommy and daddy (in that way).

You are talking all the time now and babbling constantly. You now say mama, dadda, ba(ball), and bye bye(as you now wave your whole arm).
Your absolute favorite thing right now is the puppies. We can be in the living room and I can say "where are the puppies" and you know where they are and go straight for them.

You now take after your friend Gavin. This morning I heard you talking to the dogs like you do every morning but when I turned around, you were inside their crate with them. This is the first time that you have done this and I guess after seeing Gavin do it so much, you just had to try it out! Silly, Silly!
You are getting more and more hair by the day.
Your eyes are still BRIGHT blue!
And for the first time this month you fell asleep by yourself, only it was not in your bed. I still enjoy rocking you to sleep. PLUS, How long am I going to be able to rock you to sleep? I am enjoying every moment before it all goes away!
This month was also your first Christmas in which I don't have too many pictures of. I really wanted to enjoy every moment with you this Christmas so instead of me watching and taking pictures, I experienced it with you. I do have a few though. You were quite the world traveler. We went from Alabama to Texas. Texas to New Mexico with your mommy's family. New Mexico back to Texas to see your daddy's family. Texas to Arkansas to meet your great-grandfather on your daddy's side(Your mommy had not even met him yet). Then Arkansas back to Alabama, stopping in Searcy to see your mommy's second parents from when she was a kid. You did amazing in the car and hardly fussed at all! Here is a recap from Christmas vacation.
Notice the "Proud Home of President George W. Bush." You got that right...we are very proud of that....AND OF HIM!!!~I just had to put in my 2 cents worth!

We love you more than anything!! You are the light of our lives! Happy 9 months baby girl!!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

You were in NM, where at? It was probably aways from our home. We are in NM. Too bad we couldn't of met ya'll somewhere.
She is growing so very fast, she is so beautiful. Glad to hear that ya'll are doing well, it has been awhile since I have read one of your posts, was wondering where you went.